
Write A Narrative Essay About Moving Away From High School

Decent Essays

My principal had just announced to a lab filled with high school students that it was my birthday. After leading them in a boisterous rendition of the Happy Birthday song, one of my students called me over. I knew the inevitable question was right around the corner, but I didn’t realize how quickly it would come. “How old are you, Mrs. Smith?” the teenage girl asked. I really hadn’t had time to think about how I would answer that question so I did what any good teacher would do. I told her the truth. The expression on her face was priceless.
“You’re how old?” she asked again. Although I couldn’t see it myself, I’m sure the expression on my face probably matched hers. I repeated my age. “But you’re still so stylish,” she blurted out, leaving the “for an old woman” part of her comment for me to figure out on my own. …show more content…

The most important trip of my life was the day I drove a mile up the road from my house to Cedar Lodge Market and bought myself a coke and a candy bar, just because I wanted it and just because I could.
Working with teenagers every day at school reminds me of the quest for freedom that is so urgent at this time of their lives. How many times have I heard, “But, Mrs. Smith, I’m 18 years old. Why can’t I leave school? Why can’t I come in late? Why can’t I go home for lunch? Why can’t I do what I want? At 18 years old I’m supposed to be free to do exactly what I want to do.”
And for the umpteenth time I explain that freedom doesn’t mean that we do whatever we want. Freedom doesn’t mean that we don’t have rules or limits. Freedom is sometimes freedom to do or be something and other times it is freedom from something. But freedom is not without responsibility. It is not without consequences. Freedom comes at a price and often the price is so high that we can’t afford to pay for it. Sometimes we don’t deserve

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