
Write An Essay About The Ways We Lie

Decent Essays

The majority of us lie as which is known already, but one peculiar fact is that it only took 10 minutes for somebody to tell a lie. Furthermore, that was the result of a survey which showed that 60% of adults who were surveyed confessed that within the first 10 minutes of conversing with someone, they already had told a lie to them. Although, people rejected the idea of lying, they still lied. In addition, people didn’t lie to cause harm, they actually did it to make it seem like they are interesting. Nevertheless, when we try to protect others or try to get out of trouble we tend to lie. We know it’s wrong, we’ve been taught that our whole life, and somehow we still do it. Although I disagree with the idea of lying and believe we should be honest more than dishonest, I still do it time to time. I didn’t want to lie, but …show more content…

Of course I did, but sometimes when I’m in a sticky situation, I’ve had to lie. We have people who love to lie to other people for their benefit, computer scammers persuading the elderly into repairing their electronics when their device is properly functioning, advertisements selling a product with inaccurate claims, robbers calling as a relative who is economically disadvantaged in need of funds. You get the idea that people lie and it’s a problem. People shouldn’t lie unless it’s to save someone’s life or for good reason. We disapprove the concept of lying to people but, we still do it even though we know it’s dishonest “Rebecca Campbell knew exactly what she was doing when she recently told her 4-year-old son that there were no more cartoons on TV. And she didn’t like it. “One day, he’ll probably figure it out,” she says. “There are cartoons on all the time!” ( Art 1 P5) The reasoning behind this quote is that Mrs. Campbell rejected the idea of lying but when her son watched too much television she was worried so she told her son that there were no more cartoons even though she knew that was not the

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