
Write An Essay On Andy Warhol

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Andy Warhol was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (Brown, 2015). When he was at the age of 8 he contracted Chorea, a disease that causes involuntary, unpredictable body movements, so Warhol was confined to bed. During his recovery he was taught to draw by his mother (Brown, 2015). He developed a love for drawing, and he started to draw in his spare time. As soon as he got healthy he decided to take up photography. He went on to graduate high school and enroll in Carnegie Institute of Technology where he studied commercial art (Brown, 2015).
Warhol later became a leading figure in the 1950s visual art movement known as pop art. In 1961 Warhol revealed the concept of pop art (Brown, 2015). He showcased an art piece that focused on mass produced commercial goods. It was an art form that no one had ever seen before. People became fascinated with him and his artwork. In 1962 Warhol became most famous when he showcased his ionic paintings of Campbell’s soup cans (Brown, 2015). …show more content…

The painting is a red and white can that says Campbell’s chicken noodle soup. It was an art piece that communicated something we understand and recognize. It communicated consumerism in a compelling way; it was something everyone could relate to. Campbell soup is universal its something that everyone can have. From a king to an average person, everyone enjoys soup and its something that’s affordable. Some people don’t understand why Warhol painted pictures depicting Campbell soup. But the reason behind his painting is that he genuinely liked Campbell soup a lot, and he wanted to paint it. When Andy Warhol was asked why he painted Campbell Soup cans he said, “I used to drink it. I used to have the same lunch everyday, for twenty years the same thing over and over again” (Miller, 2015). It was something he loved and wanted to paint which is why his Campbell soup cans are

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