
Write An Essay On Race And Ethnicity

Decent Essays

Please check one race/ethnicity which applies
At Least once in one's lifetime they must give an answer. Whether your answer is given verbally, or on a physical document you are forced to choose one, or check the “other” box. Doctors need this information to properly help treat people. But there are people who use this information to judge and criticize. To this day people are categorized by race/ethnicity/colour.
The Boer Wars started when the Boers began to immigrate into African tribal territory, where they founded two additional republics. The republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State lived in peace and harmony along with the neighboring British until 1867. In 1867 the discovery of diamonds and gold toar these neighbors apart; Boer states and the Britain were no longer friendly neighbors, but enemies.By mid year of 1900 the British captured and annexed the most major of the Boer cities. So the Boers then began a guerrilla war that angered the British occupants. While the British searched and destroyed these units, they gathered the family members of the Boer soldiers into concentration camp. May 31st marked the day the Peace of Vereeniging was signed, ending hostilities. …show more content…

The Population Registration Act of 1950 classified all South Africans by what came to be four racial groups which include Bantu (black Africans), Coloured (mixed race), White, and Asian (Indian and Pakistani). Then a collection of Land Acts continuously separated the races. Eighty percent of the land was “set aside” for the white minority while non whites had to have documents authorizing their presences on these lands. If not, this would be a violation of pass laws. Because of these rules and regulations, non-whites were not able to participants of the national

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