
Ww1 Foreign Policy

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Foreign policy it's something that is almost always under scrutiny and question by the american people. Well it does have a purpose it tells the american people how the government is going to deal with foreign nations and our allies. The effects of foreign policy that varies from administration to administration. Now the point of contingency happens when they are implemented and what they say they will do. These policies not only affect the U.S. but our allies as well and our enemies. With this in mind it comes under some serious scrutiny and no one can be pleased in the end. Some of the most early foreign policies were all toward the idea of isolationism. The Monroe Doctrine “the doctrine warned European nations that the United States would …show more content…

Theas wars brought some problems to the front of the line in American foreign policy. As well as how we interact with the countries around us and who are our real allies in the world. In WW1/ the Great War we truly brought ourselves to the forefront of the world. It showed what our role truly is and what we stood for at the time. We wanted our influence in foreign nations to be small now we started this with embracing a war economy and shipping to the allied nations. We joined the war late only because the germans were bombing our boats. But after the war we saw what happens when you interact with the world around you and we got bit in the hand. This was shown to us as the great depression our pain from deciding to fall into our own greed and villainy towards profit and while in the first war we saw a boom in our economy and job market and women even proved that they are just as good as men at keeping the country running while the men are away. When America joined the war the job opportunities in the northern half of the country. These opportunities were quickly filled with women and African Americans the African Americans migrated from the south. Now in the true fact of the matter this war was absolutely necessary for America and its people it may seem crazy yes. But there's a reason as to why it was a necessary war especially for …show more content…

This was a “war” because no actual fighting actually took place and was about two things the latest weapon that we had created the atomic bomb and the war between communism and capitalism and in retrospect can be some up as a child's argument at which one is better. Now this mainly concerned America (capitalism) and Russia (communism). Several things happened in this period of time and several foreign policies were created during this time. The first one was Containments “strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States in the late 1940s and the early 1950s in order to check the expansionist policy of the Soviet Union”(Britannica). It was as if an iron curtain fell across europe the methods varied from sending soldiers and armed forces to cutting ties to them entirely showing hatred for the “Red Menace” or any one allied with them and we became fearful of them even having a figurative witch hunt for them in our own nation. We had Deterrence for communism but they aren't as effective as the Berlin Blockade. The Berlin Blockade separated berlin into two different parts east Berlin and west Berlin it was a literal wall separating the two halves of the city. This was the point of the cold war where things started to get really bad families were separated from each other and many died trying cross the makeshift border but it was not the height of the war. The whole time

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