
Xiangqi: The Battle Of The Tang Dynasty

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Around 200 B.C., Xiangqi was first invented by a military commander, Han Xin, as a way to visual the war and to predict the next movement of the enemy. The game was originally named Capture Xiang Qi, who was the leader of the opposite troop. However, the game was not used again after the war and didn’t get popular until the Tang Dynasty. In addition to the soldiers and generals, there were additional components added, such as horses, cars, minister, advisor, and cannon. The goal of the game was to capture the general of the opposite team by utilizing different functions of each component. For example, the ministers can only move diagonally in the 9 times 9 boxes around them and soldiers can only move one step straight at a time. Xiangqi became …show more content…

It was first discovered in June, 1984 with the tomb of Zhu Ran. The plate was used as a food container and was painted with red lacquer. In the inner bottom of the plate, there were three sections of painting: top, middle, and bottom. At the top section, the painting showed a banquet scene with two hosts, two guests, and a servant. The guests were talking to the hosts while the servant was serving food at the side. At the middle section, the scene was divided into three parts. First, a lady was dressing up and putting make-ups on at the left. In the middle, there were two men playing Chinese chess. Finally, two men were training the eagles at the right of the middle section. At the bottom section, a man was riding a goat with another man following him. The lacquer plate from Zhu Ran Tomb: a painting of noble life is now one of the forbidden artifacts to bring abroad from China. This item is interesting to me because the painting described a daily life of rich people a thousand years ago. It’s appealing for me to see that their life was not too different from ours that people at that time also played games, putted on make-ups, trained their pets, and did many shared …show more content…

By using human or animal-power, sedan chair had two thin long poles for the human or animal to carry, two wheels for the chair to move around, and a wooden chair above the wheels and the poles. The chair was usually surrounded in a box-liked space with a window and an entrance for person to come in. The sedan chair was first recorded in the Xia Dynasty that when the emperor had to leave the palace, he was carried by the sedan chair so that he didn’t need to walk. This transportation method became widely used in Song Dynasty and people rode on sedan chair to get around. Sedan chair was also used to carry the brides to her future husband’s house on the day of wedding. Even until today, sedan chair is still a transportation option, especially at tourism site. I choose this item because it’s interesting to see that without technology, people can still find a way to go from place to place faster. Also, sedan chair also reflects the social status difference between the riches and the poor in China that the riches didn’t need to walk while the poor needed to carry the rich

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