
Year Round School Research Paper

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Is a longer school calendar a good idea?
The idea of year round school is becoming an increasingly popular idea as this calendar is beneficial to both students and teachers. Under this new calendar, students attend school twelve months rather than nine months. Instead of having a long summer break, which can cause learning loss, students have frequent short breaks throughout the year. The effect of constantly learning throughout the year causes students to improve in test taking. When there is a long summer break, not all students have the same opportunities, creating a gap in achievements. Furthermore, teachers have more time to prepare lessons and teach them. Ultimately, students are more likely to excel in school with this new calendar.

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Teachers observed extreme increases in proficiency for students. The longer school year allowed teachers to cover more material and teach more thoroughly. Students didn't have a long break which would usually result in learning loss; instead test scores and proficiency rates increased from continuous learning. Politician and advocate for better education for children, Hilary Clinton, believes, "Most students whose parents can afford enriching summer activities will not lose important concepts in the summer. Low income children cannot afford additional classes or activities which will lead to summer learning loss” (Gorman). Ultimately, this divides students academically based on their social classes. When a student is out of school or a class for a longer period of time, they forget information they have already learned. Lower income children may have lost information over the summer break, while privileged children gain information. Students with more advantages are more likely to accomplish their goals in life, creating a gap between social classes. By going to school year-round, all students

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