
Essay about Your first lab link can be found at What Makes a Good Parent

Decent Essays


Your first lab link can be found at What Makes a Good Parent? A written transcript is also available for this lab.

What makes a good parent according to Dr. Tanya Byron?
According to Dr. Tanya Bryon she states that being a good parent is one that doesn’t worry a lot about being a good one. She said that parents who follow a book or a step-by-step process tend to have problems. Parenting should be done by the heart not from someone or something else.

What are some of the common problems that children might have?
Sleeping, Toilet problems, eating problems, and sometimes catching temper tantrums.

Why is play important in the parent-child relationship?
Play is important in the parent-child relationship. Play can improve bonding …show more content…

Do you think the fathers enjoy fatherhood more today than in the past? Why or why not?
Yes I believe the fathers enjoy fatherhood more today than in the past because parenting at an early age is kind of tougher and as a young person you would want to get a job or start a career first, whereas the men now are in their 30’s which gave them a little break because their maturity level increased rather than when they were young and they have good paying careers to help financially become a parent.

What are some of the difficulties that new fathers (and mothers) face?
Some of the difficulties that new fathers and mothers face is sleep deprivation. Being in the child’s life alone is hard, everyone is different in many ways so you have to put in hard work and dedication to meet the criteria of the baby.

Your third lab link can be found at Adora Svitak: What Adults Can Learn From Kids. A written transcript is also available for this lab.

What are some of the benefits of being “childish”?
Some of the benefits of being of being childish can include making irrational demands, and being irresponsible.

Why does Svitak say that adults should listen and learn from kids and not just have kids learning from kids? Do you agree? Why or why not?
Svitak says that since kids do much of the learning from adults, it should be somewhat the opposite and adults should learn sometimes from kids. Although most adult’s knowledge is way higher than a child’s, there may be something the

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