
Zen Parables : Short Stories That Have A Deep Moral Meaning

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Zen Parables “The Zen Parables” are short stories that have a deep moral meaning. Each teaches us a different lesson that can help one in the long run with life. The Zen Parables teach one lessons that will always be very beneficial for learning more about life. They teach how one cannot respond and do the morally right thing when their mind is attached to ideas about how one is “supposed” to live life and also not to dwell on the past. They teach one to live in the moment. They teach one to not worry about others, worry about yourself first. To be able to move on and do the morally correct thing, one needs to stop and think what that may be and also not dwell on the past. Sometimes when one is too attached to the rules of life they forget that they might not be doing the morally correct action. For example, from the Zen parable Muddy Roads, one of the monks went and helped a lady across the river even though that they were not ever even suppose to look at ladies because it lead to temptation. The monk looked passed this “rule” and did what was morally right to help the lady. This parable teaches each of us that we need to do good no matter what the world around us tells us what is right or wrong. Sometimes stepping out of what you’ve always known to be “bad” can be good and help others. Dwelling on the past can prevent one from moving forward in their life and can hold you back from doing what is right.
For example, in Muddy Water, when the first monk went and helped

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