
Zeus Compare And Contrast

Decent Essays

Zeus was known for a number of things, but his love affairs was one of the numerous things he was famous for. Zeus was the king of all the gods, he was known for the god of the skies, weather, fate and laws. Out of all of his lovers he had over the years, his first was known as Aphrodite. She was the goddess of beauty and was followed by Zeus when she first emerged from the great sea, but she managed to escape him. It did not take much time for Zeus’ wife Hera to realize that their marriage was falling into the deep end. Zeus had a deep lust which then made Hera’s jealousy fester. (Summary 1). Although Zeus had a dozen of love affairs he created a “union” wit Hera that resulted in four children. Arguments soon began to arise between Zeus and Hera and became a part of their daily lives. Zeus continued to have one affair after another with different goddesses. Hera could not punish Zeus for …show more content…

One of the first mortals known was Demeter, the child of Zeus and Persephone, is known as the goddess of the underworld. After leaving Demeter, Zeus then moved on and mated with Leto with whom he then created the twin gods known as Artemis and Apollo. Apollo was known for many things following his birth. Apollo had a numours things he is remembered for, but a few is being the Olympian God of the Sun, the Light and the Music and the Prophecy. (GREEK-GODS.INFO 4). Hera and Zeus’ marriage was not the typical heavenly known marriage today. One of the biggest differences from today's marriage verses there marriage would be that Hera was Zeus’ sister. The first wedding of Olympians was not known as a small occasion or get together. During Hera and Zeus’ wedding all the gods and goddesses attended, but they for sure did not attend empty handed. Hera and Zeus’ did not have any ordinary wedding they instead had a “glorious wedding night—one that lasted three hundred.” (Classical Mythology

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