
Compare And Contrast Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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Enderson Velasquez ENC 1102 Prof. Layfield Compare and Contrast essay. The biggest fear of a human being is death. Almost everybody is afraid of death; however, people have different views on their perceptions of death or the idea of dying. The poems “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas, and “Because I Couldn’t Stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson have a main theme in common which is death. However Dickinson presents the idea of the acceptance of death, and Thomas presents the idea of fighting against death. Even though the perception of death is different for each writer, both use similar figurative language techniques, including metaphors, personification, alliteration, assonance, and others to form their views …show more content…

In Thomas’s poem he uses other types of figurative language. At the beginning and through the poem, the speaker talks about “That good night”, as well as the sunset and the night fall takes place in the poem. Extended metaphor is present at the beginning of Line 1, Thomas uses the word “Night” to represent the afterlife or a void, and the sunset to represent the moment of death. Thomas implies how easy life can goes away by using the night fall and the last lingering light of the evening. The tone of the speaker in both poem are different. In the poem “Because I Couldn’t Stop for Death” the speaker is obviously dead. The speaker is a ghost or a spirit of a person talking about how the day when she died was. The speaker’s tone is calm, maybe because she has been dead for so long: “Since then- ‘tis centuries- and yet Feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses ' Heads Were toward Eternity –” (21-24). This was a memorable day for her, she remembers every stop and everything she did that day. She also remembers the grave, and with a calm tone called it house: ”We paused before a house that seemed a swelling of the ground- the roof was scarcely visible- the cornice- in the ground” (lines 17-20). She was calm because she was ready to die and death was not hurry: “We slowly drove – he knew no haste” (line 5). On the other hand, the speaker’s tone in in “Do not Go Gentle into That Good Night” is anger and desperation. The speaker feels anger and is desperate

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