
##bolic Reactioning Theory : Symbolic Interactionism Theory Of Social Media

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Symbolic Interactionism Theory on Social Media Our cellphones are instruments or symbols of communication. Our dependence in our phones increases overtime. We can’t get out in the house without it, it’s like everything revolves around it. People use it to contact their friends or family, explore games, do social media, send important emails and the list goes on. Every year, companies improve on making phones more useful and likewise, offers cheap alternatives, so that every person can have access to the device. Looking at a couple years back, phones are generally use for messaging and seen as an unnecessary accessories but now, people can’t live without. Based on the website called Tame Yourself, study shows that “...58% of smartphone users don’t go without checking their phones.” this explains how addicted we are on our devices. As I mentioned above, our addiction to phone is to the extreme. The causes of phone addiction can have a variety of reasons but the main obvious reason for that is the use of social media. Almost, everybody is familiar with facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube. These are just one of the millions of applications offered. As popularity of social media goes higher and higher, our social interaction(face-to-face) with our surrounding deteriorate. This is where the perspective of the theory symbolic interaction takes place. According to the website called ThoughtCo, symbolic interaction theory came from the American philosopher George Herbert

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