
federalism Essay

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The United States Government is beloved to all Americans, in the simple fact that all men are created equal and all men are given equal opportunity, to aspire to achieve success and make their dreams come true. Although the percentage of people who achieve all of their goals in life is fairly small, they have the freedom to chase them and America for the most part is a pretty content place. The “law of the land” that sets the standards for our rights and privileges is the U.S. Constitution.
As pretty and proper as the U.S. Constitution sounds, there has always been and always will be some conflicts and concerns about different laws and amendments and even values that …show more content…

However with all the power that the President possesses there are also many limits set on him, including the length of time he is allowed to hold his job. However the President who runs the entire country, is appointed by the states.
This power and compromise is also included amongst the Congress. Each state appoints members of the legislature. Each state gets an equal numbers of electors in the Senate and the House of Representatives. The President is also required to take an oath before he takes over in office. “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, 1`protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Adams had the brilliant idea of Checks & Balances where he broke the government into three branches; the president, Congress, and the judiciary. Each of them had power but no one branch would be allowed to enjoy a monopoly of power. However when problems did occur each branch was allowed to put their two cents in and try to resolve whatever conflict that arose.
However there are times when the Constitution puts its foot down, and prohibits power of the states . A big example of this is Article 1, Section 10. It lists all powers prohibited of the states

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