
salomon v salomon

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Introduction This essay will examine the legal standing of the doctrine of 'separate legal personality ' as it was developed in Salomon v. Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22. Even though this doctrine is the stone head of the English company common law, the courts introduced several exceptions which undermined the 'veil of incorporation '. The exceptions were firstly introduced in the mid-60s by Lord Denning in Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd. V IRC [1969], and allowed the court to lift the veil and hold the shareholders liable for the company 's actions. The main reason for the courts to lift the veil is where the shareholders had abused the privileges of limited liability and incorporation. Corporate personality and incorporation …show more content…

The most important effect of limited liability is that the shareholders are not liable for any debts as the company is a separate legal identity. In the case of bankruptcy, members ' personal assets are protected and out of reach by the company 's creditors. The Salomon case safeguarded member 's personal property and offered members a security as they can have earnings from the company while they are protected. However, this protection offered by the Court to company 's members made the company 's creditors skeptical, since, in some cases the company was used to defraud the creditors and the state. The courts had to balance the protection to shareholders and the injustice against the creditors. Accordingly, the courts had to be ready to ignore the doctrine of 'separate legal personality ' and lift the veil of incorporation in cases where the company is incorporated in order to defraud. Case of Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd V Inland Revenue Commissioners and the statement of Lord Denning Lord Denning was the precursor of lifting the veil of incorporation. Specifically, in the case Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd. V IRC [1969], Littlewoods rented premises on 99 year lease from Oddfellows, on a very low price (£23444). Later the value of money changed and after 22 years Littlewoods and Oddfellows decided to find a way to both benefit. Oddfellows transferred the premises to Fork Manufacturing Co. Ltd., a wholly-owned

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