
##semblance Between A Violin Case And A Coffin, Portrait Of A Girl In Glass, InSomething About Him?

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Tennessee Williams was a great American short story writer of the 20th century. Some of his works include The Resemblance Between a Violin Case and a Coffin, Portrait of a Girl in Glass, and Something about Him. Though all these stories do have their own story-line, characters and tones they all share common characteristics. In the short story Something about Him, Williams depicts the life of a hated man,a plain women and the judgemental people that surround them on a day to day basis. Two prominent characters are Haskell and Miss Rose. Haskell was the kind of guy to try to please everyone and he came off as a superficial person. Williams uses a library to describe the simple, quiet, and boring Miss Rose. Miss Rose ends up convincing …show more content…

At the beginning we are shown wilderness that depicts the savage and freedom of childhood and towards the end we get the image of the structured and constrained adulthood.With adulthood also come more pressure. The sister is taught to play piano and Tom is uncertain of his feelings for Richard Miles, the boy that his sister liked and played music with. In Portrait of a Girl in Glass, Williams exposes us to what it is to live the life of a very closed up person. Laura loves to sit in her room and look at animal glass figures. These glass figures represent Laura’s fragility and the containment of her mind and thoughts. She rarely speaks and doesn't like to be outside of her room or safe haven. Laura and her brother, the narrator, were fatherless and there was no given reason of why. Laura just liked to listen to the records he left and never cared to listen to the new ones her brother bought because she was scared of exploring and finding new things. Though all these stories have completely different story lines Williams has elements that can connect all three short stories. All these characters were left behind by someone. For Miss Rose, Haskell left town and made her resume living her boring life again. For Tom, Richard died and his sister grew up and was forced to leave behind the great days she had with Tom for womanhood leaving Tom. As for Laura, not only did she get left by her

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