Corporal punishment

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    The issue of corporal punishment, i.e. spanking, and whether its use should be endorsed or condemned, has long been debated. Research on this topic is difficult, especially because it is ethically impossible to assign children and parents randomly to groups that use spanking as a disciplinary method. And even if researchers track children who are spanked, it is just as impossible to accurately measure every contributing variable – from children’s behavior and parents’ intents, to the intensity of

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  • Decent Essays

    Corporal punishment should be in schools because it makes sure kids have good behavior, it also teaches kids to be respectful, and makes sure kids are safe. Every school should have corporal punishment in schools because it teaches kids to have good behavior. In 2014, 94% of parents with kids from three to four years old reported they had smacked their kid. This shows if a kid is acting up or not being good give him a quick smack and it should change their perspective on the situation. Corporal

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    According to criminal law, “Spanking, also called corporal punishment, is a discipline method in which a person inflicts pain on a child without inflicting injury and with the intent to modify the child’s behavior. Forms of corporal punishment include hitting a child’s bottom, slapping, grabbing, shoving, or hitting a child with a belt or paddle” (Mince-Didier). Supposedly people against spanking define it broadly so that it can be easily be connected to child abuse. People who support spanking tend

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  • Decent Essays

    many views of the past relating to corporal punishment have changed significantly. During my readings I read things that instantly stood out to me. The first being how many issues and their solutions revolved around religion. John Wesley, was the founder of the Methodist Movement, and he believed that children were born with sin and that it was the parental duty to discipline the unruly child, starting at an early age. During this time period, corporal punishment was a common practice. Wesley used

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    Corporal Punishment in America Essays

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    Corporal Punishment in America The term corporal punishment means the intentional infliction of pain on the body for purposes of punishment and includes slapping, hitting with objects, pinching, shaking and forcing to stand for long periods of time (Epoch 1). Family researchers define corporal punishment as " the use of physical force aimed at causing children to experience pain but not injury, for the purposes of correction and control of youthful behavior" (Day 83). Spanking is one form of

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  • Decent Essays

    Article 1 Background This article first describes how the utilization of corporal punishment by parents to children has been a point of controversy for centuries. In the study of Larzelere et Al. 1998; McLloyd and Smith 2002; Straus 2001; Turner and Muller 2004 (as cited in Petts & Kysar-Moon, 2012), it was found that strict, physical discipline leads to bad results for children such as low views of themselves, problems communicating with others, and worrying tendencies across ages. The findings

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  • Good Essays

    For decades leading back to slavery, corporal punishment has been used as a form of discipline to correct misbehavior on the plantation. In today’s society, it has been used by parents and even incorporated into our schools as a form of punishment. In Kenyan schools it is used as form of classroom management and to punish children for poor academic performance (Kenyan children suffer frequent beatings by teachers, 1999). Corporal punishment, according to the Committee on the Rights of the Child,

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  • Decent Essays

    border line child abuse to use corporal punishment on a child. Across the states parents are split on this issues, “ Is it better to discipline your child by spanking or a different mellow approach, like telling the child no and expressing disappointment in a soft tone voice?” We will examine which style of parenting produces a well rounded child. In the first place, according to Kitty O’Callaghan, “61% of parents condone spanking as a “regular form of punishment” for young children, according to

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  • Decent Essays

    Is Corporal Punishment Acceptable? What would you define corporal punishment as? “Corporal punishment or physical punishment is a punishment intended to cause physical pain on a person”. Although its use has died down within schools, this type of consequence is frequently used in homes to correct misbehavior. There are different types of corporal punishment: spanking, slapping or striking with a paddle, belt, cane etc. Using corporal punishment to alter a child’s behavior is both ineffective and

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  • Decent Essays

    pros of corporal punishment at home. One of the most common strategies used by parents to alter long-term behavior of their children is corporal punishment, commonly referred to as spanking. According to people that use this style of correcting the behavior of their kids, corporal punishment is a form of negative reinforcement. If done correctly and with the right limitation, this will be effective to brainwash discipline in the minds of the children. People who believe corporal punishment say that

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