Gates of horn and ivory

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    Aeneid which relate to dreams and analyzed them for their value: 1.353-359 (Venus explains Dido’s dream of Sychaeus), 3.147-171 (the Penates tell Aeneas his destination), 5.721-737 (Anchises tells Aeneas to visit the underworld), 6.893-98 (Gates of Ivory and Horn), and 8.31-65 (Tiberinus appears to Aeneas in a dream). It is up to historians to decide

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  • Decent Essays

    of, the epic At the end of the sixth books Aeneas’ father Anchises leads him from the underworld and the reader is presented with a passage which describes two paths “there are two gates of sleep. One, they say, is horn, and offers easy exit for true shades, the other is finished with glimmering ivory, but through it the spirits send false dreams to the world above. Anchises escorted his son as he talked, then sent him with sibyl

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    throughout the whole hand with the plates getting bigger, eventually encasing the hand. Held in both his hands, was a composite bow made of ivory and wood. The wood was of raven-black ebony polished to sheen. Dragon horn was used for the ivory. It took my character some time to carve it to size for the bow. Sanding down the ivory removed the chocolate grime on the horn leaving left a magnificent pearl-white color. With my character in tow, I began my quest for the so called

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    Virgil’s Vision of the Underworld and Reincarnation in Book VI of the Aeneid “Virgil paints his sad prophetic picture of the Underworld in shadowy halftones fraught with tears and pathos. His sources are eclectic, but his poetic vision is personal and unique” (Lenardon, 312). Despite countless writings regarding the region of the Underworld, such as Homer’s Odyssey and Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Virgil bases his book upon traditional elements accompanied with his own vision of the Underworld and

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    have been used in Asian traditional medicine, many of these practices are scientifically refuted yet are still in use. One example of a species which are being used look no further than either rhinoceros or the tiger. In the case of the rhino, their horns are usually ground into a powder, then made into tablets which are used to treat the following: nosebleeds, strokes, convulsions, fevers, and even are believed to cure cancer. According to the Environmental Investigation Agency, a minimum of one tiger

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    The Aeneid is an epic poem written by Virgil between 29 and 19 BC. This works tells of the Trojan hero Aeneas and his journey from Troy to Italy to settle a new city for his people. The first half of the book entails Aeneas making his way to Italy while the second half describes the battle between the Latins and the Trojans. Both of these endeavors require the hero of the story to have a motivated disposition. These motivations come in the form of depictions of Roman history. The two significant

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    Virgil’s Aeneid was written in a time of political and social transition in Rome, which influenced the epic poem in a political way. Aeneid was written only a couple years after the civil war where a lot of people had started to lose faith in the greatness of Rome. Virgil’s intensely political poem concentrates on the theme of Rome’s greatness and particularly with the reign of the new emperor Augustus Caesar as the re-founder of glorious Rome. Throughout the poem Virgil used prophecies to make

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  • Decent Essays

    While there are a great deal of gods and goddesses out there, some are more noteworthy to people than others. Whether it be that they feel a connection to those gods and goddesses, or they just adore the stories revolving around them, they favor these deities among the others. Hephaestus was cast out of Olympus when he was born for being flimsy, but through his skilled craftsmanship, he rose up to become one of the thirteen prime gods of Olympus. Athena was born from Zeus’s head, vaulting out in

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    The Hero of Aeneid and the Non-Hero of Dante’s Inferno      Although Dante bases much of Inferno's structure on the Aeneid, the central characters, the central voices in each, are used very differently.  Dr. Andrew Bernstien, in his essay The Philosophical Foundations of Heroism, defines a hero as ... an individual of elevated moral stature and superior ability who pursues his goals indefatigably in the face of powerful antagonist(s). Because of his unbreached devotion to the good, no

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    The Minoan civilization was an Aegean Bronze Age civilization that was rich with culture, art and architecture. They were so intellectually advanced for their time period, that they have made a significant contribution to the development of the Western European civilization. The Mycenaean civilization flourished in the late Bronze Age. Unlike the Minoans, the Mycenaeans were militaristic and more calculating people. They had very specific reasons behind their actions. Both civilizations had differences

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