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  • Good Essays

    A migraine is a disease that affects the body specifically the head, and it is count as one of the diseases that produce a headache and another kind of pains in the head and the body. This Migraine has many types and it is a chronic disease which keeps the effects remain for a long time. Some of the things that could happen to who has or about to have a migraine are vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to the light and sound and "can include

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    2017 Migraines and Society Imagine walking into a room filled with screaming children, now the lights start to flicker as an electric shock runs through the air. That is what some people feel when experiencing a migraine. Even though migraines are a personal struggle for many people, migraines affect nearly one billion people worldwide. This being said, nearly everyone knows someone suffering with migraines, but most people do not know the difference between headaches and migraines. Migraines are

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    ABSTRACT Migraine headaches are chronic neurological ailments that affect approximately 12% of patients in the United States and cost businesses nearly $13 billion in missed workdays each year. Managing migraine headaches is important for workplace productivity, as well as maintaining a high quality of life. Most commonly, patients begin their quest for management with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or Advil, which are first-line treatments for mild to moderate migraine. Sumatriptan

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    finding answers to. A migraine. A constant longing migraine. Today is day 123. I have had this since September. It won’t leave. It keeps getting worse. Don’t try to give me suggestions because I’ve most likely tried them and no, nothing at all works on me by any means. In September I imagined I just didn’t get enough sleep plus I was stressed with five AP classes along with marching band and college applications on my plate. Nope. Wasn’t it. Just another one of my mysterious migraines, but I’d been in

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Migraines: That Ache In Your Head Essay

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    Migraines: That Ache In Your Head Have you ever had a headache? That pounding pain that would not go away, it was probably a headache, however there is another type of headache that happens to one side of the head and could also cause nausea, sensitivity to light, sound or odors. Also accompanying the migraine is a aura, which could be flashes of light, or temporally lose your vision, in any case it is a visual impairment. (1) Migraines differ from headaches because a migraine is a neurological

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    Introduction Migraine headache is a common headache disorder (The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2004), it forms part of the 3 main categories of Primary Headache Disorder together with tension-type headache and cluster headache (Cady, 2001). It characterized as mostly unilateral, pulsating with associated symptoms such as photophobia, phonophobia, and nausea and vomiting. It is ranked 19th in the world amongst the most prevalent disease which bring about disability, and it is

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    I had never gotten a migraine. I never understood what that was. All I remember was that one morning I woke up and when the sun started shining on my face my head started to hurt. My head was throbbing on just the right side of my head. I usually associated (Ogden, 2017) this kind of throbbing pain to needing a new prescription of glasses, since it was usually one of the indicators that I needed new glasses, but this pain was different. And I had just gotten a new prescription. Other symptoms I had

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Medical Conditions  Chronic Migraine: Sharp stabbing pain begins at the back of the head, then moves over center top of the head in two parallel lines to the forehead. This pain is constant and only varies in intensity throughout the day. This condition also causes me to be sensitive to light, sound, smell and movement.  Todd’s Paralysis: Also known as sudden temporary partial to full body paralysis (includes torso, back, head and speech). In detail, paralysis starts at legs, then as it gets

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    “Migraine and Headache Management”, automatically brings to mind a photographic memory of my checklist. Listening to your body is one of the biggest things that “management” consists of. Migraine and headache management is one daunting task. Nonetheless, one should never let the challenging task prevent them from improving their lifestyle to manage the chronic or spontaneous aggressors known as migraines. “Did I eat on time today, or did I skip a meal because I was busy?” Is a question I have to

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Life with Migraines Throughout the entirety of my life, I have suffered from migraines. I have gone days, even weeks at a time in constant excruciating pain. My migraines have not only affected my social life but my academics as well. Even as I write this now my head is in searing pain. In the end of my middle school years and all of my high school years, I have been going to doctor’s appointments after doctors’ appointments as they tried to discover the cause of my frequent agonizing pain. The last

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    Satisfactory Essays