Mobutu Sese Seko

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    try to control the Congo. If Patrice Lumumba had not been assassinated, then political stability might have been achieved. Patrice Lumumba started a nationalist movement to try to get Belgium to retract from the Congo, which was unsuccessful because Mobutu seized power with the support of a corrupt military. In the late 1800s many European powers fought over land in Africa as a part of imperialism, acquiring land to gain more power. King Leopold II, the ruler of Belgium from 1865-1909,

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    independence from Belgium in 1960. President Mobutu Sese Seko (starting 1971) for nearly three decades ruled with autocratic and corrupt values, which increased the gradual decay of all their state institutions that left communities throughout the country to fend for themselves. Mobutu’s regime after a certain amount of time began to be destabalized and that aided the emergence of a rebellion in eastern Congo in 1995. The group was successful in toppling the Mobutu dictatorship however the alliance fell

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    political conflicts began as early as the 1960’s which witnessed the external regional division emerged particularly between Rwanda and Uganda (Dunn, 2001). The regimes formed by these regions were intended to overthrow the dictatorship by Mobuto Sese Seko on Congo who renamed it to Zaire. Kabila the late president of Congo who ruled for about three years before he was brutally assassinated in 2001 was part of this agenda. In 1994 an estimate of 800, 000 Rwandans were assassinated including the president

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    Congo History

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    brief history of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) consists of civil war and corruption. In 1960 they achieved Independence, which was followed up by a civil war and a temporary fragmentation of the country. In 1965 Mobutu Sese Seko seized power. Then in 1997 rebels ousted Mobutu and Laurent Kabila becomes president. From 1997 until 2003 there was another civil war, pulling in several surrounding countries (Africa's first world war). From 2003 to 2016 conflict persisted in the east, where there

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    Did you know that up to thirty percent of child soldiers are female? This is because they have a higher risk of being sexually abused, including rape. They are also given to the commanders as wives. In some parts of the world, such as Yemen and South Sudan, there is tremendous dispute over the subject of child soldiers. The history of child soldiers go back to WW1 and WW2. When the number of German soldiers started to drop during the war, Nazi leaders began to enlist children as young as twelve years

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    Riches in central Africa. In what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo, there was and still is a plethora of natural resources. Rubber, gold, copper, diamonds and more. That natural wealth has definitely hurt Congo in the past rather than helped. Its resources could have made it one of the wealthiest countries in the world. But yet, this future did not hold true for the Congo. At the turn of the 20th century, King Leopold II began to take notice of the central African country. (National Black

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    Role Of Patrice Lumumba

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    recovering control by setting up his own government and army. Lumumba’s efforts proved futile when he was captured on December 1, 1960, and taken to Kinshasa to be tried for “inciting the army to rebellion and other crimes,” according to rival Joseph Mobutu. Lumumba was transferred from the military barracks near Leopoldville to the independent province of Katanga due to perceived threat to his security. Lumumba was “brutally beaten and tortured by Katangan and Belgian officers,” while travelling, and

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    Methuselah is a parrot character in The Poisonwood Bible written by Barbara Kingsolver. The novel is set in the late 20th century in a village of The Congo call Kilanga. Methuselah is a parrot who is left by brother Fowls for the Price family. He has been denied freedom for very long and has been kept in a cage. Later when Nathan Price sets him free, he has no idea what to do with his independence. So he keeps flying near the Price house and depends on the Price girls for food. When Congo’s independence

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    Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 1999. Orleanna Price is presented with the difficult task of moving her four daughters, Rachel, Leah, Adah, and Ruth May, and her husband, Nathan. However, this is not a typical move to another house within their city limits or even to another state. Orleanna has to move her family of six from southern Georgia to a less than rural village in the Congo. Her husband, Reverend Nathan Price, believes God wants him

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    In June of 1960, at the height of the Cold War, Congo received its independence from King Leopold II’s Belgium. Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of Congo, was instrumental in the Congolese bid for independence, and played a similar role in the early stages of postcolonial Congo, known as the “Congo Crisis”. In the new Congolese nation, Lumumba was faced with the challenge of unifying a large African nation with difficulties arising from Cold war influences and geopolitical tensions. As

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