of poverty. Unemployment rates for Richmond in August 2013 were 8.2% (United States Department of Labor, 2013). These rates represent only those that are documented as unemployed and does not consider the “under employed” as they may be working but not getting paid for a full work week. These unemployment rates would likely be higher if they were accurate and all inclusive of the unemployed in Richmond. The unemployment rate for the entire state of Virginia was reported at 5.8% in August 2013
Rise and Fall of the Jamestown Colony The English settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, was founded on May 14, 1607 by Captain Christopher Newport and his fleet of a hundred or so Englishmen. During the next nine decades, this settlement would begin as "a verie fit place for the erecting of a great cittie(Tyler, 33)", and develop into "nothing but Abundance of Brick Rubbish, and three or four good inhabited houses(Miers, 107)." Two major factors led to the gradual decay and destruction of Jamestown:
3. English flint points are one of the artifacts that prove settlers at Jamestown made contact with Native Americans. These arrowheads, made from chert and flint, were very valuable in the Tidewater region. The Powhatans’ main hunting tool was a bow and arrow. The Powhatans attacked the settlement many times, as proven by the hundreds of broken stone points found all around Jamestown. When tensions arose between the natives and the settlers, a focus was put on weaponry. Settlers began to wear
Before the colony of Jamestown first rooted its foundations in the swampy, disease-ridden James riverbanks of Virginia in 1607, the Pamunkey tribe of Native Americans had already gathered a century of knowledge and expectations of the would-be English conquerors that settled Jamestown. However, the Jamestown settlers proved an unexpected rival for the Pamunkeys and their powerful emperor Powhatan, and a force he could not have reckoned with based on his early information. Both the English and Native
conducted in a hospital setting and correlates to patients. I would be developing my research skills in a laboratory setting while also developing intrapersonal skills working with patients. The research that I have conducted at the University of Richmond has been invaluable; however, I plan on applying to an MD/PhD program and I feel that clinical research would be a more valuable experience for this upcoming summer. I have applied to a clinical research internship at Stanford University that focuses
few photos of the scenery after the war one being the fall of Richmond and another is of a dead confederate gunner at Fort Mahone. The five-page bibliography cites all the books, newspapers, and magazines from which Burke received his information from. For Pember, he used the artificial A Southern Woman's Story. Burke used over 15 different sources for Lee's point of view alone. There is a very detailed and helpful four page map of Richmond in the beginning of the book. At the back of the book, there
Kicker: Severe water pollution that exists in far away countries, could happen right here in the San Francisco bay- and its effects would be devastating. Recall the last time you drove across the Golden Gate Bridge; looking to the sea and seeing the whitecaps break against the rocks, and then looking at the bay and seeing the shimmering aqua colored water filled with sailboats. But now, try and imagine a very different picture, you look towards the bay and see oil slicks, floating tires, and islands
to how to make the Hilltop Mall better than it was ever before, and after all those steps, I recommend that we provide better modes of transportation to help customers get around, and add a community center. The Hilltop Mall is a mall located in Richmond, the middle of the East San Francisco Bay Area. During the 70’s, people would come from all over the Bay
subspecies, R. r. raviventris both of which reside in Northern California around the Bay area. The northern subspecies can be found in the San Pablo and Suisun marshes of California, whereas the southern variant reside in the marshes of Corte Madera, Richmond and South San Francisco Bay. Salt marsh harvest mice heavily depend on dense coverage of the pickleweed (Salicornia virginica)--their preferred habitat. In marshes with salt-tolerant plants, the mice escape the higher tides in winter through the
Coach Carter is an American biographical sports drama film inspired by a true story of Richmond High School basketball coach, Ken Carter, who made headlines in 1999 for benching his undefeated high school basketball team due to poor academic results. It was released in 2005 and was directed by Thomas Carter. There are a few reasons as to why I chose this film over many others. Firstly, Coach Carter had a twisted storyline as compared the sports drama films. Instead of focusing mainly on practising