
1 How did pollution affect London between 1700 and 1900? The development of locomotives, and

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1 How did pollution affect London between 1700 and 1900? The development of locomotives, and steamboats manufactured goods could now be sold around the globe. Families moved from the villages of their ancestors to new industrial towns and a new class of people emerged, workers who produced goods. The industrialist, the people who owned the factories, employed hundreds even thousands of people, and made enormous profits. A major concern was the growing numbers, the masses of the urban poor that arrived and settled in the city. While the industrial innovations brought wealth to some and jobs for others, it all came with a cost: pollution from coal powered factories turned the cities black. Lack of housing created the first urban slums. …show more content…

Mechanization began in the textile mills in England where a weaving machine attached to a wheel could do the work of 50 people. Fuel, clothing, and food, all became more affordable. The innovations in this field were intimately interconnected. The invention of the flying shuttle by John Kay in 1733 dramatically increased the speed of weaving, which in turn created demand for yarn, which led to inventions like the spinning jenny or the water frame. These processes were mechanized using waterpower, until the steam engine came along.. The most successful steam engine, built by Thomas Newcomen, was used to clean water out of the mines, which meant more coal to power more steam engines, which led James Watt to see the opportunity for improvement. Watt’s newer engine made railroads and steamboats possible. Actually almost all electricity all over the world, whether from coal or nuclear power is just a steam engine, which shows how truly revolutionary the steam engine was. All this technological fruition and innovation happening, led to London having the highest wages in the world by the end of the 18th century. High wages combined with cheap fuel costs meant that it was economically efficient for manufacturers to look to machines as way of lowering their production costs. As the industrial cities of England expanded, wealthy Londoners felt threatened by overgrowing ranks of the power. 3 How did new transportation technologies affect London between

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