
1000 Splendid Suns Analysis

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1000 Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is about a girl, Mariam, who is married at the age of 15. She lived in a kolba, a shack, with her mother. Her father had abandoned her when her mother had died. He had married her off to Rasheed whose wife and children had also died. For a little while, they were happy, but Rasheed started to get aggressive and controlling. Mariam had no hope until Laila came after her parents had passed away. Laila soon married Rasheed and Mariam was disturbed by the fact that Rasheed now had two wives. There was always tension between Mariam and Laila until Laila had stood up for Mariam while Rasheed was beating her. No one has ever done anything like this before for Mariam. Mariam finally had hope, hope that something …show more content…

When her mother died and her father had married her off she felt guilty. She felt guilty because her mom always warned her that her father was not the man she thought her was, and when she married she realized that. “The Children of strangers get Ice Cream. What do you get, Mariam? Stories of Ice Cream,” her mother told her. She was warning that she was expecting too much and didn't want her to be disappointed later. When Mariam was married, she knew that she couldn’t act like a child anymore and that she needed to do what wives do. Mariam had no hope when Rasheed had started to beat her and yell at her. She knew that there was nothing she could do, nothing she could say, that would change the actions that Rasheed used on her. Everything bad that happened, Rasheed blamed on her. “Learn this now and learn it well, my daughter: Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a women. Always. You remember that, Mariam.” Mariam went from being a girl who had hopes, hopes that one day her father would take her to his house and she would live with him to a women with no hope in life. Until Laila …show more content…

She always stayed with Rasheed even though she knew what he was doing and what he was going to do to her. Mariam never gave up and at the same time she helped others. Laila and the children were one of the reasons that Mariam never gave up. “For me, it ends here. There’s nothing more I want. Everything that I ever wished for as a little girl you’ve already given me. You and your children have made me so very happy. It’s all right Laila Jo. This is all right. Don’t be sad.” Mariam gave her life in order to save Laila and her

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