
12 Angry Men Fallacy

Good Essays

Title: Argumentation
Name: Rohit Nanavati
Roll No: 13110099
Word Count: 994 Communication has is an integral part of the activities that almost all living beings on this earth do. We as humans have the ability to speak. But speaking is no more just a mode of communication. It’s an art, a skill. Fallacies be the darker side of this art.
So what is a fallacy?! Dictionary defines fallacy as “A mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments”. Fallacy has to do more with the reasoning. Although fallacy can be explained in numerous ways, it is a kind of error or lack of reasoning in an argument. Fallacies have been studied by many people starting from the ages of Aristotle, and has been classified into different types on different bases. …show more content…

. False Dichotomy, Mob appeal, Wishful Thinking are few of those weird names. Being illogical approaches, the fallacious arguments may or may not be true and they can be intentional or otherwise. Although fallacies are not entertained in communication, they are a part and parcel of our day-to-day life.
‘Twelve Angry Men’ is an American drama film from 1957. The story basically runs around a murder; a group of juries trying to convince each other if the accused is guilty or not based on logical reasoning. The movie effectively brings out the kind of fallacious arguments that can be seen around us and how the hero proves them false using logical reasoning.
Here are some of the arguments from the film ‘Twelve Angry Men’ that I feel are fallacious and the reasons for the same.
1. When the third jury asks as to why he thinks accused is not guilty, the eighth jury answer’s that he doesn’t know. This is a fallacy because he doesn’t has a reason to defend his thought at

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