
Rhetorical Analysis Of 13th

Decent Essays

Rhetorical strategies are used as a means of aid in displaying and expressing an intended message. Audiences pick up on clues like this, these rhetorical strategies. The documentary 13th covers the history of the Thirteenth Amendment, its progress from before it was created to present day, exploring ever-changing society and the need for a law prohibiting slavery and racism in general. The trailer documents the idea of this as well as how the law has managed to get around the Amendment, drawing readers in with all of the rhetorical techniques later discussed. Within the trailer for the documentary 13th, these same strategies are seen through the use of ethos, logos, and pathos.
To begin, ethos is a key method of rhetoric used in the movie trailer. This ethos is seen in things like informing the audience that this movie is “From Ava DuVernay, the director of Selma” (“13th, Trailer”). This is ethos because …show more content…

Some examples of this pathos include the words spread across the screen claiming, “What you see on the news is a story 150 years in the making” (“13th, Trailer”). This is to say that African Americans have been fighting for freedom for longer than most think or assume, and this documentary is going to get to the bottom of that. This is the same way that the video uses Kalief Browder’s personal testimony to bring the audience to tears and just feel what Browder feels, emotionally binding you to the documentary and causing you to want to see it to empower this man who committed suicide to escape police brutality. Adding to this idea, pictures of the brutality and unjust treatment add to this pathological tempt. It forces the viewer to want to watch the documentary because it makes the viewer feel that bad for all of the people shown in the documentary simply because of how they are being treated. Thus, pathos is an effective tool used to convey the message of the documentary and draws readers

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