
14 Days Research Paper

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to track your food for 14 days? I did just that. I believe most of us live on a day to day basis tracking what we eat, how many calories we intake, and so forth. However, sometimes the reward is not at the end of each day; sometimes the reward it is at the end of a lengthened period. Using the My Fitness Pal app on my phone and computer I could effortlessly track what food and nutrients I ate during a 14 day stretch. The app did all the work for me and I highly recommend trying it out. It is very accurate in the amount of each measurement it lists. At the end of 14 days I observed specifically but not restricted to total number of calories, sodium, sugar, and protein and compared each number to the DRI recommended daily intake …show more content…

Weighing in at a total of 748 grams of sugar I could immediately tell this was my biggest concern. That is 748,000mg of sugar or 26.38oz. After reflecting on this number, I proceeded with the comparing to DRI’s daily recommended intake which equates out to 525g (37.5 daily) over a 14-day period. That’s puts me 223g of sugar over the recommended daily intake. This concerns me because in America sugar is obsessively digested and it is a growing concern for many people especially those who take pride in a healthy diet. Most my sugars were derived from food with added sugars as an ingredient. If I were to substitute soda for coffee I would be even further over my limit and projected into an unsafe zone of sugar intake. From this time on I will also be watching the sugars I intake. They are not nutritious and burn up in short amounts of time proving to not be the most effective choice for energy. In addition, sugar intakes at this level could cause my body to develop diabetes stage 1 or 2. They also store to fat easily due to the amount digested and will prevent me from reaching my goal of losing 12

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