
14 Great Points

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On November 11th of 1918 the guns of the battle field within the western front, only miles away from France's capital, fell silent.The global war which including the use of new dangerous weapons, and technology started on July 28 on 1914 popping the lid on the pot which was Europe containing the stewing ingredients of militarism, nationalism, and alliances created the boil over which was the start of the First World War. The end of war was concluded with the meeting of the leaders of the countries that participated in the war, they met in the Versaille Palace, Paris to discuss the outcome, and consequences Germany was to face in the outcome of the war. Woodrow Wilson, representing America in the meeting conveyed to the other representatives …show more content…

The four most prominent figures were the representatives for Italy, France, Great Britain, and America, also known as the Big 4. From Italy was Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando, France had Georges Clemenceau, Great Britain showed up as Prime Minister Lloyd George, and of course, arguably one of the most important figures who attempted to balance the hatred towards Germany was President Woodrow Wilson. Wilson proposed 14 great points to prevent future quarrels. They were very peace heavy, and focused on pacifism, and understanding instead of using violence to see who was correct from the beginning. It covered line, and territorial boundaries. How to work with the territory that was taken from Germany, and how for some countries, and states should function to an extent. The Big 4 mostly disagreed with what Wilson had brought to the table mainly for their hatred, and resent of Germany due to the amount of destruction, and death that they caused from the war. Wilson, coming from America which had almost nothing done it other than the deaths of the soldiers sent to the Western Front to assist the Allies near the end of the war, was thought that he wasn't punishing Germany harshly enough. European countries who experienced the destruction from the German military first hand had a fierce resentment, and light punishment was not to be dished in such a situation in their eyes. Due to such differing viewpoints, Wilson wasn't able to receive much support for his 14 points at all in the conference. However, one point in particular was taken into consideration and effect, the last one, the 14th point. The 14th point as we know gave the notion to create a general association of nations to be formed under specific agreements for the purpose of protecting each other, known now as the League of Nations. This was the only point that was

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