
80's Sports

Decent Essays

1990’s Sports

Whether it’s Michael Jordan shooting the game winning shot, Jim Kelly leading the buffalo bills to the super bowl, or the braves winning the world series of 1995, americans have always had a fascination with sports. Some people say that sports in the 1990’s was the best decade ever. Sports have provided many things for fans that watch them. Sports have allowed communities to grow stronger and provide great athletes to look up to. Sports in the 90’s has created unbreakable bonds between men women and children as they watch and participate in them.

In 1991 magic johnson stuns the world by announcing his retirement from the L.A. Lakers, after testing positive for HIV, the virus that cause AIDS. At the time , many americans viewed AIDS as a gay white man's disease. Magic Johnson who is an african american was one of the first sports stars to to go public about his status. As one of the greatest basketball players of all time, Magic Johnson spent his entire nba career with the LA Lakers, helping them win five championships in the 1980’s. Today Johnson is a spokesman for aids awareness and has transformed aids from a death sentence to a manageable condition for many …show more content…

He won four championships in the 80’s and would have been even better in the 90’s some people say. I think that if Magic Johnson would have stayed in the NBA Michael Jordan wouldn't have gotten as much accomplishments as he did. Even though magic johnson did come back to play a couple more years, he would have been even greater if he hadn't retire. But some NBA players were scared to play the game with someone who had HIV because they didn't know much about the virus and didn't want to get infected with that virus. Magic Johnson has changed basketball and people will forever know and speak of him. That is how Magic Johnson changed basketball in the

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