
9 / 11 : The Causes And Effects Of September 11

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September 11, 2001, millions of New Yorkers and American citizens woke up and started their day, unprepared and unaware for the catastrophic attack that would be taking place in just a few short hours. At 8:46 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower. The impact killed all of the passengers and crew as well as hundreds inside the building. At 9:03 a.m., a second plane, Flight 175, crashed into the corner of the South Tower killing passenger, crew, and workers who worked on floors seventy-five to eighty-three. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. killing approximately 185 individuals ( Staff). Because of the damaged to the support system, fires, and impact at extremely fast speed, the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. (Lipton and Glanz). Having heard about the acts of terrorism that had just taken place in New York and Washington, D.C., a group of passengers drove their plane, Flight 93, into a Pennsylvania field killing everyone on board but possibly saving hundreds of other lives in the process. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. 102 minutes after being struck ( Staff). On September 11, 2001, almost twelve hundred people were wounded or killed by “coordinated suicide attempts” by Al Qaeda terrorists. In result to the four airplanes being hijacked and used for premediated reasons, the United States government instituted new regulations for entering the country and airport security as well as expounded on systems already in place. Since the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, approximately 330 terrorist attacks have occurred on American soil. The number includes successful and failed attacks from President Lincoln’s assassination until a New York incident with a van running down pedestrians on October 31, 2017. The results also exclude attacks deemed “criminal incidents” and accidents. Of course, not all of the attacks were at the same magnitude of the four coordinated attacks on September 11, 2001. Also, those behind the attacks vary greatly in ethnicity, religion, and background. For example, on August 12, 2017, during a protest by left-wing activists, in the constant debate between left- and right-wing protestors, a vehicle mowed

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