
Essay on A Brief Biography of Edgar Allan Poe

Decent Essays

Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe was a famous author, poet, editor, and literary critic. Poe wrote Mystery, Horror, and detective fiction. Edgar Allen Poe had a difficult life; he had troubles with family, employment, and depression which ended his life. Edgar was born on January 19th 1809 in Boston Massachusetts. His mother died when he was 2 and his father abandoned him and his siblings as a child. After he was given up for adoption at a young age, soon was adopted by the Allan family. When he was young his family sent him to a grammar school in England where he learned Latin, French, math, and history. Edgar then returned to America to continue his studies. Edgar attended collage at Richmond, Virginia but only went for …show more content…

Poe was unsatisfied with the low payment he was receiving so he moved to New York in 1837. While he was in New york he wrote a book called The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym jobs were low. Then in 1838 he moved to Pennsylvania to seek for better work. He got offering jobs for magazines in Penn. Poe published his book Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque while in Philadelphia. The book did not sell and Poe was still in need for money and a steady job. He soon but surely became known around for the cause of writers needing a higher wage and for a copyright law. Poe moved back to New York to publish work that would soon become popular. In January Edgar published the book The Raven and became a well-known writer. He also was known for talking about better pay for his work and would give speeches to the public. Poe published two other books that year and also became an editor for the Broadway Journal. Before he became famous for his work he struggled for jobs and hopped around until he became known to the public eye for his talent of writing. But all came to an end, Poe then moved into the county in 1846. His wife had tuberculosis while he was in Penn. In 1838. His wife died in the winter a year later in 1847. Poe had gotten writers bock and became depressed and started drinking. He joined The sons of temperance in Richmond to try to stop his drinking problem. I then started to fancy a woman named

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