
A Brief Biography on Thomas Jefferson Essay

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Synthesis Essay - Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson The Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy defines a leader as “…someone who influences others to achieve a goal.” (CF02, FRLD, p. 9, 2012) Thomas Jefferson was a visionary and ethical leader that fought for and ensured that a group of colonies in a new land achieved the ultimate goal of creating the United States of America. While he was the third President of our nation, one could argue that his most influential work came years before his Presidency. Jefferson’s visionary and transformational leadership was crucial to inciting the Colonists and his passion was evident in the words he used to declare our independence from British tyranny. His ethical character was also …show more content…

Thomas Jefferson played a key and influential role in the American Revolution by putting his thoughts on paper. Before the Declaration of Independence was imagined, discussed, or signed, Jefferson was publishing works to promote his vision. He unknowingly used the Transformational Leadership and developed a plan that was broken down into three steps. First, in 1774, he published the Summary View of the Rights of British America, which was a pamphlet used to inform the Continental Congress of their standing with the British Crown. The goal of the pamphlet was to intellectually stimulate Colonial leaders and appeal to their emotions. (, 2014) Jefferson’s saw the inequality in a special way and he wanted the Colonial leaders to fully understand their plight. Step two came a year later in 1775 when Jefferson wrote the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms. (, 2014) This time Jefferson’s intent was to start a fire within the Colonists and he achieved this through Inspirational Motivation and Idealized Influence. (CF02, FRLD, p. 22, 2012) Finally, Jefferson was able to bring the Colonial leaders on board with revolution and step three was to write the Declaration of Independence and rally the public. Thomas Jefferson was selected to chair the group that wrote the Declaration of Independence. This time he used Inspirational Motivation and Idealized Influence to gain public approval and rally the Colonists to fight for their

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