Assignment Cover Sheet – Individual & Group
Course Name: _______Applied Project Management 1______________
Course Coordinator: ___Dr Kerri Di Sario________________________
Assignment: __ Assessment 3: Individual project plan (part 1)
Student’s Names: 1 Yimin Jiang 2 Due Date: 08/03/2015
Date Submitted: _____________7/03/2015____
Word length: __________________3432
Student Declaration:
• I have read and understood the rules relating to plagiarism and related forms of cheating as included in the Course Information Booklet supplied for this course. I understand that providing only a reference when directly quoting work, without also using quotation
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Introduction 6
2. Quality Management 6
2.1 Quality Objectives 6
2.2 Project Quality Management processes 6
2.2.1 Quality Planning (QP) 6
2.2.2 Quality Assurance (QA) 7
2.2.3 Quality Control (QC) 8
3. Project Human Resource Management 9
3.1 Develop Human Resource Plan 9
3.1.1 Roles and Responsibilities 9
3.1.2 Project organisational structure 10
3.2 Staffing Management 10
3.2.1 Staff Acquisition 10
3.2.2 Resource Calendars 10
3.2.3 Training 11
3.2.4 Reviews of Performance 11
3.2.5 Rewards and incentives 11
4. Project Procurement Management 12
4.1 Plan Procurements 12
4.2 Conduct Procurements 12
4.2.1 Proposal Evaluation Technique 12
4.3 Administer Procurements 13
4.4 Close Procurements 13
5. Project Communication Management 13
5.1.1 Identify stakeholders 13
5.1.2 Plan communication 14
5.1.3 Distribute Information 15
5.1.4 Manage stakeholders’ expectations 15
5.1.5 Report Performance 16
5.2 Communication Matrix 16
6. Project Stakeholder Management 17
7. References 19 Table Contents
Table 1Quality Assurance 7
Table 2 able 3 SMAC project communication outline 15
Table 3 Example of table that manage stakeholder’s expectation 16
Table 4 Communication Matrix 17
Plagiarism extends beyond just the academic realm. There have been many instances, in professional fields, of integrity violations in written works. One example of this is Jayson Blair, formerly of the New York Times. After his news agency found that he had plagiarized an article. The article, which was written about a Soldier who was killed in combat, and his family, was found to be plagiarized from the San Antonio Express. (Belt, 2004). This was not the only story that Blair copied, embellished, or synthesized. There were, in fact, dozens of questionable articles written by Blair during his tenure with the news agency. Because his supervisors were not communicating effectively, and no major complaints were registered, Blair was able
Plagiarism is not just limited to taking information from resources without citations. According to Theresa Ireton, an assistant professor of writing in Centralia College, Washington, there are also subcategories of plagiarism in writing, such as plagiarism of structure, authorship, and plagiarism of self [4]. It is considered a plagiarism of structure when an imitator is paraphrasing by having different word choices than the original content. Plagiarism of authorship constitutes buying and turning in duplicate copy of another person’s work without any modifications whatsoever. Plagiarism of self is when an individual tries to utilize previously completed work as a resubmission for a different assignment. Even though the previous assignment is fully original content from an individual, it still constitutes as cheating due to an unfair advantage.
In this article that I found it discusses plagiarism, on where it originated from, It also is where it gets its name from and what it exactly means. To me this article was important to my worksheet paper. It explains the importance of not plagiarizing and it also goes over the different ways of avoiding plagiarism.
Whether one is paraphrasing, summarizing or quoting another’s work, proper in text and reference citation is needed. Taking a section of another source’s work and rewriting it into your own words is paraphrasing. Summarizing on the other hand, is presenting your own take on another source’s material, generally condensing the full material into the principle point (Driscoll & Brizee, 2013). Quoting a source, however, is writing someone else’s material using their exact words in quotations. (n.d.) recommends to “quote material when you believe the way the original author expresses an idea is the most effective means of communicating the point you want to make”.
Everything starts with suspicion. A teacher, teaching assistant or professor discovers similarities thanks to a plagiarism report, and this is the beginning. After similarities are detected, evidence is passed to an academic integrity committee.
purpose with the intent of obtaining an advantage in submitting an assignment or other work
In colloquial language plagiarism is the concept of stealing someone’s piece of work or someone’s idea. It is clear that plagiarising is unjust and immoral, however now a days it is becoming more difficult to come up with original ideas as the media allows students to have open access to all information and the producer or author must be very careful to not use somebody else’s work unintentionally and claim it as theirs. It is important to educate students about plagiarism as it can carry major consequences. The concept of plagiarism with reference to policy will be outlined and also the steps helping students and authors to avoid plagiarism in this assignment.
There are myriad examples in academic history that one could identify that not only tarnished the reputations of the culprits but also sullied the reputation of the institution as to where they were a part of. Furthermore, there are many different types of academic violations: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, etc. These distinct infractions have greater effects on the represented institution economically, socially, and holistically than those imposed on the offenders themselves. In order to truly understand the wide gamut of such effects, this paper will focus on three case studies that cover the two most popular choices of academic dishonesty: cheating and plagiarism. The first case study is concerning the infamous Harvard cheating scandal in 2012, in which around 125 students were investigated for cheating on a final examination. The second regards another large-scale incident of 28 high school sophomores in a Piper, Kansas. These students plagiarized from the Internet on a botany project. The third actually holds not the student, but the teacher at fault for changing answers to standardized tests. This last area of teachers kindling the cheating process actually will involve three different schools with similar incidents. Nevertheless, it is more appropriate to focus on the effects of cheating in a more traditional setting, that being the Harvard case.
This sheet must be completed and attached to the assignment by all students unless otherwise instructed. PLEASE COMPLETE
Mac, R. (2010, February 11). 9 Counties, 8 Bridges, 7 Million People Search Bay Area SEARCH The Temptation to Cheat in Computer Science Classes at Stanford. New York Times. Retrieved February 24, 2016, from
Plagiarism is a series problem in today’s world. It is too easy for a college, high school, or even a news journalist to take claim for someone else’s work. A good definition for plagiarism: using someone work or ideas for their own use and trying to say it is there. Plagiarism is just a lake of academic integrity. Academic integrity is a moral code which include the knowing that you are cheating or stealing someone works without the person who originally created the work’s permission. Along with those two collusion is just as bad. Collusion is trying to keep something a secret in order to cheat. A couple of website to check plagiarism is and en.writecheck.come/reviews. These two are just a couple of sites
Ever wondered how the music that you listen to probably every day of your life becomes the music that you love so much? Well there is a long and tedious process that goes into to making just one song. The artists does his or her best to make a song that he or she likes and also a song that all of the fans would enjoy too. It takes days, maybe even weeks to just make one single song; and there are so many components or people that go into its creation. To start, there are songwriters and audio engineers, computer technicians and also the actually artist or artists in the song, and all of those people profit off of that one song. So when a person goes online and decides to
Who: Schools all over are trying to get students to not plagiarize it starts in Jr. High and goes onto High School to get them prepared for SAT’s or college transcripts. Just like how Dr. Marybeth Gasman, she’s a professor in higher education at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education says, “People plagiarize because they're not confident in expressing things on there own”. Her way of sensing that her students plagiarize is that, “When their work doesn't resemble their vocabulary and the writing doesn’t match their intellectual contributions in class, I know right away,” she says. I agree with Ms. Gasman because you shouldn’t just copy and paste just cause you don’t want to do the
The Plagiarization of work is so common in everyday work with the advancement of technology and how easily accessible information is. What’s tough is to detect whether the author of the work is intentionally or unintentionally trying to deceive a reader or greater audience.
I, the above named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment to be submitted, to GLG, I have not plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged, this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been