
A Brief Note On The Lateral Sclerosis ( Als )

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) has two distinct cases, familial ALS and Sporadic ALS. If a person is diagnosed with familial ALS, it means that another family member already has ALS or a similar disease, such as frontotemporal dementia (FTD). There are roughly 5 to 10% of cases that are caused by known genetic mutations. In cases concerning familial ALS (FALS), it is known to be caused by genes, although the gene may not be identifiable in all forms of the disease. Most ALS cases are considered “sporadic.” This means that the disease has no known cause. In such cases of ALS, the affecting genes are unidentifiable, it turn they have no explainable cause.
There are cases within ALS, where the disease is caused by a defective gene, but no other member in the family is affected by ALS. In such special cases, the person can be diagnosed with sporadic ALS, although the disease’s cause in genetic. There are a multitude of genes that are known to cause ALS. Scientists are fascinated with the fact that an apparent sporadic case of ALS, may be caused by a known genetic mutation. It is certain that as new ALS-causing genes are discovered, there will be many sporadic cases of ALS that will be able to attribute to genetics.
A mutation is a change within a series of nucleotides. The results of mutations vary due to the facts that different mutations can cause different mutations. Having a genetic mutation would result in a cell producing little protein or voluminous amounts of

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