
Essay on A Child Called

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A Child Called Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897 in Atchison, Kansas. She was the daughter of a railroad attorney and had a younger sister named Muriel. Amelia was a tomboy and was always interested in learning. She was educated at Columbia University and Harvard Summer School. She taught English to immigrant factory workers. During
World War I, Amelia was a volunteer in a Red Cross hospital.

Amelia heard of a woman pilot, Neta Snook, who gave flying lessons. She had her first lesson on January 2, 1921. On July 24, 1921, Amelia bought her first plane, a prototype of the Kinner airplane and named it “The Canary.”

In 1928, she accepted the invitation of the American pilots Wilmer Stultzman and …show more content…

All she took with her to eat and drink on this trip was water, soup, and tomato juice. Amelia broke several records on this flight. She was the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean solo, the only person to fly it twice, it was the longest non-stop distance flown by a woman, and the flight set a record for crossing the Atlantic in the shortest time.

When Amelia returned to New York after her famous flight, she was honored by a ticker tape parade. President Roosevelt presented her with the Special Gold Medal from the National Geographic Society. Honors of all kinds were given to Amelia, as well as keys to many cities in the United States. The United States Congress awarded her with the Distinguished Flying Cross. Amelia was voted as Woman of the Year which she accepted on behalf of all women.

Amelia’s next venture would be a transpacific flight from Hawaii to California, then on the Washington D.C. Ten pilots had already lost their lives attempting this crossing. She departed Wheeler Field in Honolulu and landed in Oakland, California to a cheering crowd of thousands. After this flight, Amelia was busy on the road almost non-stop with her lecture tours. During this time, she accepted an appointment at Purdue
University in Indiana. She would be a consultant in the Department for the Study of
Careers for Women.

Later in 1935, Amelia began to make plans for an around the

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