
A Christmas Carol: A Miserly Business Man

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he Industrial Revolution, a time of new inventions of modern technology for manufacturing goods which impacted Europe economically because of the raise of purchases made from all the classes; such as: body linen and other textiles that could be sold and transferred for a profit. For the film made in 1984, A Christmas Carol, a miserly business man, Scrooge, is a rich, high-class man who runs a business and only cares about the money he’s making, not giving a second thought of his employee’s extremely low, unfair salary. As employees of Scrooge, the daily pay/income was not stable enough to be able to feed families, buy any gifts for Christmas, but Scrooge was just a man who had his head stuck on his salary; and having employees work more because …show more content…

With the taxes they had to pay, the poor needed deep help with the money. Although, there was a law, Law of Wages, that helped employees to get enough money to not starve anymore. There was a reason it was made; because people have died because of the low income they make, so they couldn't even feed themselves. There were some employees that had family at home and they would have to die too. It was the class-consciousness that made people like Mr. Scrooge look down on the poor and feel how accomplished he feels, but the damage he’s done was unrealistic. There was one fact to be known in this film, is that the higher class did not care for the lower class because they felt on top of the world with the money they had been making of slaves. Overall, a man of Mr. Scrooge has damaged the lives of workers, ruined the holidays for many, and killed his own employees, and all of that because of greediness. There were many negative aspects to this movie; greediness, unsocial, unreligious, a trustworthy political, and an unintellectual man who caused the lives to be negative instead of positive on a Christmas day, whom many sang Christmas Carols and be gathered with

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