
A Class Divided Summary

Decent Essays

A Class Divided “A Class Divided” is a series of videos that depict the events that occurred during an experiment conducted by Jane Elliott. Jane was a third grade teacher in Riceville, Iowa during the time Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Dr. King’s death raised many questions about racism and discrimination for Elliot’s students. She felt that discrimination was not a topic that could be understood through merely speaking about it. Jane thought the only way for her students to truly understand the concept of discrimination was to have them experience it themselves. Since her class was composed completely of white students, Jane had to come up with something that would divide them. She used eye color. “A Class Divided” was the …show more content…

On the first day of the experiment, Jane told her students that blue eyed people were better than brown eyed people. There were many stipulations throughout that day. Blue eyed students got extra recess, were allowed to use the water fountain, and got to go first to lunch. The brown eyed students could not intermingle with the blue eye students, had to use paper cups to get a drink, and were not allowed to get seconds at lunch. At the end of this day, the brown eyed students said that day was the worst day and that they felt horrible. The second day, the roles were reversed and brown eyed students were better than blue eyes students. The same conditions stood, and by the end of the day, the blue eyed students felt just as bad as their brown eyed peers felt the day before. One blue eyed student even remarked that it “Felt like you are chained up.” These students truly went through a day in the life of a …show more content…

Discrimination and racism were widespread and many gave no second thought of it. Now, we strive to see that neither are tolerated. Students are aware of what discrimination is, and they know how bad it is. A student from the past may have been very shocked to realize how discrimination felt, from lack of experience. Times have changed, and people are more socially aware. Schools are also more diverse and contain students from many races and ethnicities. If Jane’s experiment was conducted in an elementary school today, the students will still learn from the experience, but it will not be the eye opener it was for students in the past. Though today’s students will be less shocked at the outcome of this experiment, the experience will still help them understand

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