
A Close Reading Of `` The Yellow Wallpaper `` By Charlotte Gilmans

Decent Essays

A Close Reading of “The Yellow Wallpaper” “The Yellow Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Gilmans is a short story narrated by a woman who is suffering from depression soon after giving birth. The narrator’s husband is a physician who asserts that he knows what is best for his wife’s health and betterment. As the antagonist in the story he brings his wife to a secluded house with strict orders to rest and recuperate, keeping her away from society, physical exertion, and the writing that is her one true form of expression. Ironically, the narrator being placed into this environment only serves as a reminder and catalyst for her “nervous depression” and “slight hysterical tendencies” (473). Throughout the short story you see constant references in this environment to the inner turmoil of the protagonist until the narrator and her surroundings seem to become one and the same. The setting of “The Yellow Wallpaper” not only plays a crucial role in the development of the protagonist, but also acts as a mirror to the narrator’s mental and physical entrapment. As the short story is told first person the reader gets a unique view of the narrator’s description of her surroundings and slow decline into insanity. In terms of setting, the initial introduction the narrator gives is to the house in which she will be resting for the three month term. She describes the house as “being quite alone, standing well back from the road, quite three miles from the village…with hedges and walls and gates

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