
A Comparison Of Lying In Children

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Lying is very common in people. I do not know who has it worst, children or adults. Some older adults act like they didn’t lie or do anything when they were a child; they know they are lying. All children lie, I know I did when I was younger. My friend and I were playing baseball in my parents back yard. We were having a great time until I hit the ball and bust the living room window. My parents were outside on the front porch at the time. My friend ran to her house, which was located 4 houses from mines. She left me on my own to deal with the mess. So that day, I lied and told my parents that my friend did it and that was why she ran home. Charles and The Open Window both have children that are liars. Laurie and Vera are similar characters with unconcerned parental figures. Laurie and Vera are similar characters. They both have a different reason for lying. Laurie is only in Kindergarten. He’s probably telling a fib to keep from getting in trouble or getting his toys taken away. I doubt that would have happen because of the lack of interest his parents show. On the other hand, Vera lies just for the fun of it. She just sat down and start telling Mr. Nutell a story with some truth, but twisted with lies. She covered her tracks by asking Mr. Nutell do he know her aunt and used the information that he gave her about his sister to create a convincing story that will have him running off in the forest. What was the point of messing with and old mental men? Laurie and Vera

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