
A Comparison of Great Scientists in History Essay

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Socrates was an Ancient Greek philosopher who lived from 469-399 B.C. Much of what he knew he learned from another famous Ancient Greek philosopher, Plato. Concerning logic and human behavior in general, “Socrates’ life was inspired by discussion and debate with both the young of Athens and the leading philosophers of his day” (Daintith, Vol. 9 93). He introduced methodical and ordered thinking. Socrates is quoted as having said, “It seemed to me a superlative thing to know the explanation of everything, why it comes to be, why it perishes, and why it is” (Daintith, Vol. 9 93). This summarizes what he sought to discover and understand throughout the entirety of his life. Socrates is a genuine example of the philosophers and scientists …show more content…

Curiously, unlike most other philosophers, Aristotle studied zoology and discussed it often. “Aristotle made extensive observations and descriptions of many different animals and may be considered the first to show a serious interest in the field.” (Franck 57). Other than his interest in animals, Aristotle is another typical example of what philosophers and scientists were researching and exploring in his time of Ancient Greece. Almost two millennia later, there was the Renaissance, or rebirth of interest in studying science and technology. However, two new interests had arisen; medicine and astronomy. One such scientist is a very good demonstration of what most scientists of the time where doing in the field of astronomy. Galileo Galilei, who lived from 1564-1642 was an Italian astronomer and physicist “…whose methods made him the first truly ‘modern’ scientist. He made highly significant contributions in the fields of gravitation, motion, and astronomy, but he came into conflict with the Catholic Church over his views about the universe.” (Allaby 24) In 1581, Galileo entered the University of Pisa. While there, he studied medicine. Not being his favorite subject, Galileo quickly developed a passion for mathematics. He improved the telescope originally invented by Zacharias Janssen and Jacob Metius. One day, Galileo looked into his telescope and up out into the universe. “His initial reaction was sheer

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