
A Critical Evaluation of An Inspector Calls Essay

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An Inspector Calls Critical Evaluation - The main goal of this essay is to write about the role of Inspector Goole in the play. Other details will also going into consideration.

An Inspector Calls Critical Evaluation

The main goal of this essay is to write about the role of Inspector
Goole in the play. Other details will also going into consideration.

An Inspector Calls is a play wrote by J.B Priestly. The first scene shows a dining room of a large Edwardian house. The furniture and the people around the large dining table shows us that these are wealthy and probably people of high stature. The people around the table consist of Arthur Birling (the father), Sybil Birling (the mother),
Sheila Birling (the daughter), Eric …show more content…

The change in the lighting indicates one thing. It signals a change in the mood of the play. With the arrival of the Inspector a note of tension and menace is introduced. Priestley has cleverly created a sense of false security that lulls the audience into expecting the smugness and complacency of Birling and his world to be challenged. If we look at Priestley's stage directions on the entrance of Inspector Goole it shows us that this person is going to be an interesting and important character in the play. The parts of the stage directions that shows this are: "size: not necessarily big but giving the impression of strength and determination" and, "manner: looks hard at the person he is talking to - this can be
"disconcerting" for the person addressed - off putting, alarming" This also shows that the Inspector has good interigational qualities, which lead to the question "why would he need them with the Birlings and
Gerald Croft?"

When Birling asks what the Inspector wants, he replies by saying that he'd like some information about a young woman, who is called Eva
Smith, who had died in the Infirmary two hours ago. He also adds that the women had been taken there that afternoon because she'd swallowed a lot of strong disinfectant. "Burnt her inside out, of course" he finishes, which shocks Eric initially, then Sheila. This is already showing that the

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