
A Description Of Business Financial Statements

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A Description of Business Financial Statements
Good accounting practices dictate that a business continually monitor its financial status. Maintaining a meticulous record of revenues generated and expenses incurred allows a firm to assess the past and make plans for the future. Different types of financial statements can be generated that provide an overview best suited for garnering specific financial information for the enterprise. Three types of financial statements of value are the income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows. Each of these statements has a particular advantage for allowing business managers to meet their financial goals.
The income statement is a report that identifies revenues and expenses for a business over a specific period of time to determine net earnings or losses for that time period (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC], 2007). To determine the net income of a business, gross revenue has to be adjusted based on the cost of producing those goods and services. Direct inputs such as raw materials and labor are known as cost of goods sold (Melicher & Norton, 2013). The gross income is further reduced by the costs of marketing, selling the product or service and depreciation of physical assets to determine the operating income. After accounting for interest expenses and taxes, the net income can be determined. Income statements are typically compiled on a quarterly and an annual basis (Melicher & Norton, 2013).

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