
A Doll 's House By Henrik Ibsen

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A good book is a book that touches a reader’s heart by either being relatable or with great character development. Cheris Karmarae, a woman’s rights activist, stated, “Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.” This statement is relevant to A Doll’s House and is relatable to the female audience. Not only does A Doll’s House incorporate relevant matters, it includes great character development in the protagonist, Nora. Her display of bravery moved many readers. Unlike A Doll’s House, Frankenstein, which is quite fictitious, may appear to not be relatable. From the summer readings assigned for Sophomore World Literature, A Doll’s House, a play written by Henrik Ibsen captures the reader’s heart while the novel, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley was unappealing and uninteresting. Ibsen sets his play, A Doll’s House, in an era that captures the female audience as he shows the hardships of women that are relatable and brilliantly uses those obstacles for character development while Frankenstein loses interest as it is lengthy due to its tone and revels on details that are not relevant to the plot. A Doll’s House is set in the late 1800’s when women’s rights and roles in society was a controversial topic. Ibsen displays Nora as an ordinary mother and wife going through every day life but incorporates obstacles relevant to the time to show how they affect women. Women were often stay home mothers who catered to their children’s and husband’s needs. HELMER. First

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