
Carl Jung's Downunder Cafe

Good Essays

Jung typically analyzed dreams with respect not only to the dreamer and their own associations, but also using his own archetypal associations developed throughout human history for symbols, images, and the overall story of a dream. Jung’s universal associations aid persons wishing to analysis their own dreams. Jung also acknowledged both objective and subjective portions of dreams, meaning that some parts of dream may contain deeper significance, while occasionally parts of dreams may have no deeper value. This essay will examine a dream using Jung’s methods. My dream began in the Downunder Cafe on campus. Although, as common in dreams, it wasn’t quite exactly the Downunder Cafe. The same building, with mostly the same interior, however …show more content…

We then proceeded to jump from the top bunk down to the floor where the second mattress was. The ending of the dream was one of our RAs giving the both of us a stern talk about not only ditching the mandatory cake party, but then jumping on the beds and causing a racket. Throughout the whole dream, it is simple to follow the storyline of breaking the rules, having fun, and in the end dealing with the consequences. If Carl Jung were to mark my dream with an archetypal plot line, I do not believe it has a very strong one, but I would assign it as a three part play, most resembling Greek plays. The first act being in the cafeteria, the second act then would include the walk to Peavine Hall, and jumping on the beds, and the third act would be getting chastised by the RA. On top of this plot line, there is also the underlying anxiety and apprehension behind the dark cafeteria and alley way, and the Scooby-Doo-esque residence hall. This dream has added significance if it is noted that it occurred only a week or a week and a half into the school year. These associations concerning the entire dream resemble the anxiety and apprehension surrounding college in general, as well as the need to find harmony between newfound adulthood and freedom, and responsibility. There is also an association to make between the contrasting light and dark throughout the dream. The dark cafeteria, with bright people, the dark alley way and darkness around the outside of Peavine Hall, contrasted

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