
A Father Came Home

Decent Essays

This paper, based on a true event from the article, “After Afghanistan, A Father Came Home — then disappeared” and it is about Brian Orolin who is a father, husband and an Army Private First Class. The paper is about the major adjustment issues of Brian Orolin being veteran returning from national duty to the life he’s once known with his family, and the paper will also cover the evidence based coping strategies that would Brian cope with his life. It is safe to assume that all soldiers are impacted by their experiences in war. For many, surviving the challenges of war can be rewarding, maturing, and growth-promoting (e.g., greater self-efficacy, enhanced identity and sense of purposefulness, pride, camaraderie, etc.). The demands, stressors, …show more content…

Brian returned from his national duty to Afghanistan and his wife knew something was different about him, this was not the husband and father she was familiar with. Brain was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Brian showed signs of anxiety which is mostly related to patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. It is important to maintain a calm and relaxing environment for (Post-traumatic stress disorder) PTSD patients because many of them suffer from anxiety. Also, it is important to communicate in a reassuring tone of compassion while being attentive to their responses. - (“Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder” 2015). The transition from the intensity of military life to a more self-sufficient civilian life can be overwhelming. In some ways, it’s similar to the experiences of laid-off workers: both groups may feel disoriented and suffer losses of identity and work-related …show more content…

• Family skills training
This strategy helps the people to learn the skills which are important for handling their family once they are married and get settled in life.
Recommended Evidence Based Coping Strategy
The recommended strategy for the handling Brian’s adjustment issue is to have frequent and positive communication between Donna, Brian and the kids, consisting of phone calls, physical meetings, generally constant communication and affection. When Brian was posted in Afghanistan for his job he used to hardly communicate with Donna and it created the communication gap between Brian and his family. This strategy will help them to remove the communication gap and will also let them share their feelings with each other. By doing so regularly, Brian would have able to relate better when he returned from active duty.
In summary, APFC Brian had major adjustment issues of Post-traumatic stress disorder and personality disorder and could have coped better with the situation if he had people around him that could communicate better and frequently with

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