
A Good Man Is Hard To Find Essay

Good Essays

A Good Man Is Hard to Find
English literature is composed of various different stories and they add to millions. Various writers have different styles of plotting their story and presenting their characters, they have used various styles and various literature elements to try and develop their characters to convey the information they want to send to the readers. Of the entire literature book I have read, I came across a story book in which the writer has tried to utilize the use of almost all the writing styles and literature element to write “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, this the best book for literature students.
The author of the story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” has used various literature styles to try and provide …show more content…

The main characters of this story are the grandmother, Misfit and Bailey family. The author uses the grand mother to plan for all the factors that will contribute to the death of the whole family. This is by bringing in of the cat into the car without the families knowledge, the luring of the children for the change of direction to a plantation and finally the identification of Misfit. These are the main factors that led to the death of the family. For the author to defend the topic of the story “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, he brings into picture Misfit and the prisoners. Here the author presents them with the most evil act of having no mercy and killing of the children to justify the heading of the story. Through these evil acts the author convinces the readers that indeed a good man is hard to find in the world we are living today. He further supports this when Misfit said,
“I found out the crime don’t matter. You can do one thing or you can do another, kill a man or take a tire off his car, because sooner or later you’re going to forget what it was you done and just be punished for it.”
This words he use before taking the mother, the child and the grand mother to the forest to be killed. The author uses Bailey family to present a very happy family that will experience the end of their happiness on the hands of the evil people.

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