
A History Of The World In 6 Glasses Summary

Decent Essays

A History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage In A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage, there was many eras covered. The first era Standage covered was the Stone Age. The drink covered during the stone age was beer. During the stone age nomadic people in the near east started abandoning the lifestyle of hunters and gatherers. They began to start farming and settling down in villages creating the world's first cites. Standage focused especially on how beer affected Egypt and Mesopotamia. The second drink he covered was wine in Greece and Rome. This drink was covered during the first millennium BCE. During this time one of the greatest feasts was given by King Ashurnasirpal the second of Assyria around 870 B.C.E. to celebrate his mew capital at Nimrud. During this period of time the Rome were also advancing in math, architecture, and much more building off of the findings the Greek found. Rome even imitated some of their architecture. The third drink that was covered by Standage was spirits. This drink occurred during the colonial period. This period was towards the close of the first millennium AD. During this colonial period the greatest and most cultured city was Cordoba. Cordoba was advanced in …show more content…

I think it was cool getting to know how drinks were made and obstacles that were overcome to produce the drinks. However, I was not interested in the first three chapters about alcohol drinks. Alcohol does not affect me now so I did not want to know about alcohol. I did think the non alcoholic drinks were interesting though because I drink them. It was also interesting for me to know that Coca Cola contained coca in it. That was a interesting fact. However, my overall opinion of the book was that it was not that good. The book did not keep me interested or awake. It was all facts including facts that were just over detailed that I did not need to

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