
A Jury Of Her Peers Speaks Above Trifles

Decent Essays

A Jury of Her Peers Speaks Volumes Above Trifles. While Susan Glaspell’s drama “Trifles” uses actors to vocalize the many emotions of the story of the investigation of Minnie Wright, her short story “A Jury of Her Peers” makes the emotions very clear without making a sound. Susan Glaspell’s short story “A Jury of Her Peers” makes the reader feel the emotions evoked by Minnie Wright’s story much deeper than her drama version of the same story, “Trifles”. Glaspell uses the same dialogue and action in both works but she is able to elicit much stronger feelings in her short story by including descriptive passages to accompany the dialogue in her narration. These passages evoke intense feelings from the characters and introduce new emotions. The …show more content…

In many plays there is a narrator to set the scene and establish the characters. In Glaspell's "Trifles" there was no narrator, so the characters established themselves and spoke in first person. In "A Jury of Her Peers" there was a third person narrator who spoke for the characters part of the time and seemed to discreetly introduce and explain the action after it had occurred. There was some suspense for the characters as to who killed John Wright in "A Jury of Her Peers", but the play was more suspenseful as the women's findings were pieced together before their very own eyes. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters were constantly in defense of Mrs. Wright in the narrative as the name suggests. They tried to back her as they found several pieces of evidence indicating that she was guilty of the crime. The women saw her as one of their own and pitied her for her situation. In the play there was more of a sense that Mrs. Wright and her bird were unimportant, so the women hid the bird. They did not want the men to know and have a solid reason to imprison her. The men made a mockery of the women and what they were doing while the women were the ones who actually technically solved the case by finding the bird. The women misled the men which explains why the play is called "Trifles". Although the story had different titles and was written in different forms, the titles essentially say the same thing, that the women …show more content…

Peters and Mrs. Hale seem more real to the reader and prompts the reader to experience exact emotions. Glaspell introduces precise wording into her short story version to bring out specific feelings from her characters. In “Trifles”, Minnie’s skirt is scrutinized by Mrs. Hale while in “A Jury of Her Peers” Mrs. Hale handles Minnie’s “shabby black skirt” with “carefulness” (Glaspell 178). By introducing more descriptive text, Glaspell makes Mrs. Hale’s compassion for Minnie evident to the reader. Glaspell’s new descriptive text in her short story empowers the characters with a broader range of emotions and this entices the reader to relate with the characters on a more personal

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