
A Life Changing Experience Of My Writing In Arabic And Arabic

Decent Essays

I reminisce when it was time for me to learn to read and write Arabic. Other than being the language of my home country, it is also the language of Islam. Both of my parents are Muslim and very nationalistic about their country Sudan. Due to me being a first generation American, English was my first language. Sooner or later I had to learn how to read and write in Arabic.
As I started my journey of studying Arabic, I faced obstacles such as various tutors struggling to teach me properly, being stressed out when not being able to understand. Over the years I finally learned to read and write Arabic very proficiently. I found a love for the language that helped me connect with my roots and religion. A life-changing experience that shaped who I am today. My parents love Sudan and Islam very much, my dad would always teach me new things about Sudan and Islam when I was growing up, and read to me Islamic story books about our prophets. Each evening me and my dad would read the stories together, he used to interpret the Arabic to English so that I could comprehend. I remember observing the books that were printed in Arabic, thinking to myself how cursive the letters look to me. I would be amazed that my dad was reading these sentences that looked strange to me. “Baba how are you reading this so good?” I would say to my dad and he would just glance at me and smile. Deep down in my father’s pure heart I knew he did not like the fact that his eldest child didn’t understand how to

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