
A Literary Analysis Of Momma By Maya Angelou

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The Strength of Women Is it unjust to grow up, not only as the inferior race, but as the inferior gender to well? Where would you even start in attempting to gain your equality? Maya Angelou had to go through this struggle during her childhood. She grew up thinking that her life was all just one big unfair event after another. Even though it was often a long journey, her fight for herself only took flight with the influence from the strong women in her life. One main woman was her Momma. Her depiction of Momma and her repetitive actions and important influence was portrayed through strong levels of diction and syntax throughout each anecdote. As a black woman during Angelou's childhood, respect and equality was a hard thing to come across; …show more content…

Despite the fact that the powhitetrash girls were mocking Momma and offended Maya, Momma stood her ground and made it seem as if the rude remarks were not affecting her in any way. Momma's constant humming throughout the whole situation made her seem in a constant calm state of mind. At first Maya was confused about her actions toward s the situation when she thought, "What would Momma really like me to do?" (32). However this suddenly leads to the realization that by keeping calm, Momma is showing that she is more civilized and worth more than those girls any day or any time. By simply staying quiet and not falling into their trap she is showing that she is strong enough to not care about their opinions and to not fall to their low level of life. Even when they call her by her actual name, she stays quiet because she knows it is best to just let it go and not encourage their behavior. All this silent fight teaches Maya that showing the strength and power of being a woman can be as simple as doing what is right and not fighting back. She recognized that silence can be an important aspect of …show more content…

As we said before, her actions spoke enough by simply showing that she wasn't going to fall in to the "low" level of the whites. In the same way, she wanted her kids to kept a good physical image of themselves to keep away from feeling inferior to the whites. As Maya knew, "...Momma convinced us that not only was cleanliness next to Godliness, dirtiness was the inventor of misery" (28). By keeping a good and clean physical appearance, Momma gained more respect and she helped Maya see this too. Maya kept a daily routine of cleansing and she keep a good name for her family. By doing this, she always showed that she cared about herself unlike the powhitetrash girls who always came to the store dirty with ripped clothes. Momma also required them to address adults with proper manners, "...Mister, Missus, Miss, Auntie, Cousin, Unk..." (28). This helped Maya recognize that by showing respect for others, no matter the circumstances, she would receive the same level of respect right

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