
A Modest Suggestion By Jonathan Swift

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In order to prevent the children become a burden from their parents and make them more beneficial to the Ireland society, Jonathan Swift proposes several solutions and details them in his “A Modest Suggestion” which was written in 1792. Irony is the main literary technique used by Swift throughout the whole story. To relieve Irish from suffering miserable life, Swift supposes like “The remaining hundred thousand may, at a tear old, be offered in sale to the persons of quality and fortune through the kingdom” (Swift 2). The suggestions that Swift proposes in the story are incredible and ridiculous. However, he uses “modest” in the title which strongly mocks the hypocrisy and cruelty of the authorities at that time. They don’t care about the poor people’s destiny and try to use all the possible methods to get benefits from the poor Irish. …show more content…

He uses a serious tone narrates the suggestion which almost the same as the tone uses on presenting a scientific research. The tone deeply mocks the suggestions are reasonable for solving poor people’s living problems ostensibly, but actually it is another way that help the authorities maximum their benefits. This suggestion not only fail to help the poor, but also make their life harder. The parents are too poor to squeeze so the authorities start thinking get benefits from their children with a highfalutin reason. To strengthen his suggestion more credible, Swift lists datas many times in the story like “one million and a half”, “thirty thousand” which seems he really spends a lot of time on researching and truly wants to help the authorities improve the current society

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