
A Multicultural Education

Decent Essays

The statics in the Kim article were staggering. Being in education for 17 years I have personally seen the change in the student demographics. However Kim summarizes the truth that the demography of the educators has not changed. The introduction focuses on the state of crisis in education involving the achievement gap. This study is focused not just on ethnicity, but also socioeconomic status. From this study the cause to look at multicultural education is very evident. The main area of the paper will explore the varied approaches to dealing with multiculturalism and the critiques of all the misconceptions and the impact of whiteness.
Kim relays the four phases of multicultural education: incorporating ethnic studies into school curricula, total school reform for educational equality, inclusion of other minority groups by incorporating their history and culture into the curriculum, and analyzing the differences of race, class and gender. In order to move forward with the implementation of multicultural education, educators most be made more aware of integrating content, building a diverse knowledge base which is delivered equitably in the classroom, and making the culture part of the every day educational routine. According to Kim, in order to feel successful with the implementation, there are several approaches which schools can take. The contribution approach is simply identifying with the icons and holidays of the culture. The additive approach is embedding

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